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Voices. U55 Installation Platform Bundestag, part of the group exhibition Europe, 2016@ Holger Friese

Komm’ in meine Welt, Audioinstallation in Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum. Gleisdreieck im Kultur Kiosk “Letzte Tage der Menschheit” von Fabiana de Barros & Anna Schmid

Komm’ in meine Welt, Audioinstallation in Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum. Gleisdreieck im Kultur Kiosk “Letzte Tage der Menschheit” von Fabiana de Barros & Anna Schmid

Von Zeichen und Zeichnung im Raum. “Raum für Freies Denken”. Eine partizipative künstlerische Intervention des 10. Jahrgangs der Novo-School in Velikij Nowgorod im Rahmen von Peremenedelja – Wochen der Veränderung, ein Projekt des Goethe-Instituts St. Petersburg und und dem Festival Kindertage in St. Petersburg, RU @ Mona Jas

Passagen, Ausstellung südtiroler Galerien, museion Bozen, Italien
Collaboration with the artist Holger Friese
Curators: Erwin Seppi, Linda Egger
Exhibited work: Künstler*in on Demand

Highlights Online, Utopics, 11. Schweizerische Skulpturenausstellung in Biel/Bienne in Zusammenarbeit mit Holger Friese

Renkler, Sesler, Yüzler, BM Contemporary Art Center, in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institut Istanbul

Renkler, Sesler, Yüzler, BM Contemporary Art Center, in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institut Istanbul
Individual and Group Exhibitions & Projects
Don’t be an egoplayer! Project Space – Art Quarter Bethanien. Exhibition of the first results of the participative art project Berlin Biennale: as far as I am concerned.
Outreach Plovdiv. Artistic conception of the art mediation for the exhibition Listen to us – Artistic Intelligence as part of Plovdiv 2019 – European capital of culture in Plvodiv, BG in cooperation with Museum Folkwang.
2018 – 2019
Berlin Biennale: as far as I am concerned. Co-curation, conception and management of the participative art project in collaboration with the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art and the Artist Network of The Hub e. V. and children, teenagers and young adults from six Berlin districts (catalogue).
2017 – 2018
Mediation of 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. Conception and head of the first comprehensive mediation in the more than ten-year history of the Berlin Biennale: From an artistic perspective, numerous experimental, participative formats were initiated in collaboration with artists and students, which offered people of all ages from various institutions the opportunity to interact with the exhibition and whose productions created space and visibility.
App Scouts. Artistic conception and management of the project with young people with special needs. Together with artists* and students, they developed an interactive app with which visitors* could explore the exhibition of the 10th Berlin Biennale and talk about their own points of view as well as hear and comment on those of others. The app was conceived and designed by the student Cara Schlenzig (catalogue).
Of signs and drawings in space. Conception of two projects with participative artistic interventions in public space within the framework of Peremenedelja – Weeks of Change, a project of the Goethe-Institut St. Petersburg and the Festival Kindertage in St. Petersburg, RU (catalogue).
Drawing in space. Conception of the project on artistic interventions and architecture in the framework of the International Summer School Bauhaus Bernau in the AGDB Trade Union School by Hannes Meyer and Hans Wittwer, supported by the Berlin Chamber of Crafts and the Bauhaus Bernau Foundation.
The Brandenburg-Atlas, BKV Potsdam e.V.
Participating Artists: Harms Cyrill Bellin, Christiane Bergelt, Birgit Cauer, Clegg & Guttmann, Jana Debrodt, Jörg Engelhardt, Holger Friese, Rainer Gottemeier, Göran Gnaudschun, Katrin Günther, Klaus Hack, Anne Heinlein, Ulrike Hogrebe, Mona Jas, Gabriele Konsor, Lea Kontak, Phillip Langer, David Lehmann, Katrin von Lehmann, Inge Mahn, Antje Majewski, Micha Otto, Ronald Paris, Gudrun Sailer, Jörg Sasse, Hans Otto Schmidt, Barbara Steppe, Bernd Streiter, Carolin Wachter, Ilse Winckler
Curator: Gerrit Gohlke
Exhibited work: Cosmo I + II
Europe, Underground Station Bundestag, Berlin.
Participating Artists: Joëlle Allet, Christine Berndt, Hannes Brunner, Mio Chareteau, Rudy Decelière, Francine Eggs / Andreas Bitschin, Ellen Kobe, Maboart, Matthias Pabsch, Christoph Rütimann, Gaby Schillig, Andreas Schmid, Anna Schmid, Elisabeth Sonneck, Käthe Wenzel
Curators: Francine Eggs / Andreas Bitschin
Exhibited work: Voices
In collaboration with public transports, foundation Bauhaus Dessau and the Art Academy Kassel, under the Patronage of the Swiss Ambassador in the Federal Republic of Germany, Christine Schraner Burgener; supported by the District Office of Berlin, Department of Art and Culture
I <3 Kunst, Kunsthalle weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, as part of the seminar series on cultural and art education
Exhibited work: Amerika x 100
Artists in Love, Kunsthalle weißensee kunsthochschule berlin and South German Art Association
Curators: Thaddäus Hüppi und Thomas Nolden
Exhibited work: Cosmo I + II
Even Paradise casts shadows , ES contemporary art gallery, Meran, with the artist Holger Friese
Exhibited Works: Der Strumpf, Dinge, Come into my World
Gleisdreieck, Art in Public Space, Berlin
Participating Artists: Christine Berndt, Andreas Bitschin, Michel Bonvin, Mio Chareteau, Fabiana De Barros, Rudy Decelière, Francine Eggs, Fred Fischer, Tanja Hemm, Loris Jaccard, Mona Jas, Livia Lauber, Ellen Kobe, Vanessa Mayoraz (CH), Susanne muller, Victorine Müller, Matthias Pabsch, Jean Scheurer, Andreas Schmid, Anna Schmid, Elisabeth Sonneck, Falk Weiss, Käthe Wenzel
Curators: Francine Eggs /Andreas Bitschin
Exhibited work: Come into my World
Passagen, Ausstellung südtiroler Galerien, museion Bozen, Italien
Collaboration with the artist Holger Friese
Curators: Erwin Seppi, Linda Egger
Exhibited work: Untitled
Memoreal, yuka gallery, Art Biennial for Visual Arts Varda, Bulgarien
Curator: Dora Bulart
Exhibited work: All things, Christian Schimanski
Vis à Vis, Galerie ў Minsk, Belarussia
Curator: Walentina Kisseljowa
Exhibited work: The Plejads #1
Facilitated by Goethe Institut Minsk and Wibke Behrens/Coordinator nGbK Berlin
sololala, Sophiensaele Berlin, International Solo-Festival, Alvin Lucier: Hymn (1970)
Curators: Steffi Weismann & Antoine Chessex
Lights: Rut Waldeyer, Florian Bach, Bruno Pocheron
Exhibited work: Amerika x 100
The Plejads #1, ES contemporary art gallery, Meran
All Things, Christian Schimanski… , Store Window Bookstore, Meran, in Collaboration with Holger Friese
Utopics, 11. Biennial Suisse Sculptor at Biel/Bienne
Collaboration with Holger Friese
Participating Artists: Please see Utopics
Curator: Simon Lamunière
Exhibited work: Highlights online
In Istanbul, zwischen Ankunft und Abfahrt, BM Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul
Participating Artists: Bernardo Georgi, Nezaket Ekici, Katja Eydel, Parastou Forouhar, Mona Jas, Christoph Keller, Werner Klotz, Marisa Maza, Ulrike Mohr,Dimitris Tzamouranis, Ina Wudtke, Florian Wüst, Florian Zeyfang
Curator: Beral Madra
Exhibited work: Deprem/Earthquake
Zeigen – eine Audiotour, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Karin Sander
Participating Artists: Please see Zeigen – eine Audiotour
Curator: Karin Sander
Exhibited work: Black and White – Reprise
Berlin-Istanbul, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
Participating Artists: Gabriele Basch, Susanne Bosch, Thomas Büsch, Nezaket Ekici, Katja Eydel, Parastou Forouhar, Bernardo Giorgi, Erik Göngrich, Mona Jas, Rainer Kamlah, Christoph Keller, Werner Klotz, Marisa Maza, Isa Melsheimer, Ulrike Mohr, Catin Otto, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Nada Sebestyen, Yuan Shun, Roland Stratmann, Dimitris Tzamouranis, Ina Wudtke, Florian Wüst, Florian Zeyfang
Curator: Stéphane Bauer
Exhibited work: Untitled
Berlin, du bist so wunderbar, Stiftung Starke, Löwenpalais, Berlin
The Plejads #1, Axel Lapp Projects, Berlin
Black and White, Rooftop of Axel Springer AG Building, Berlin, in collaboration with Holger Friese
Export/female (Stele), Belleville-Store, Boutique, Berlin
Like a, Belleville-Store, Boutique, Berlin
Oriental, Kunst-Werke, Leisester Club der Welt, Berlin
Ideals in the Park, Gropius-Pavillon, Goldrausch-Projektor, Moabiter Kulturtage, Berlin
19991 Home Delivery, con|temporary, Club Transmediale, Berlin, in collaboration with Holger Friese
Allgirls & conItemporary, Berlin
Focus Istanbul, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berliner Pool Library
All things, Christian Schimanski … , Videoinstallation, Ladenlokal Rosa Luxemburg Straße, Berlin, in collaboration with Holger Friese
Goldrausch Annual Exhibition, Kunstamt Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
10e Biennale de l’image en mouvement, Centre pour l’image contemporaine, Genève
no vacancies, Angelika Richter/Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
Renkler, Sesler, Yüzler, BM Contemporary Art Center, facilitated by Goethe Institut Istanbul
Renkler, Sesler, Yüzler, Mimar Sinan Universität, Istanbul, in collaboration with Goethe Institut Istanbul
Art Grants Berlin Senat Fine Art, Kunstbank, Berlin
Student Triennale, Dolmabahce Palast, Istanbul, in collaboration with Fernando Niño-Sánchez
Monologue by two, Galeria Garcéz, Bogotá, Kolumbien, in collaboration with Fernando Niño-Sánchez
Dialog, KdB Berlin-Mitte, in collaboration with Fernando Niño-Sánchez
experiments, Museum of Groß-Gerau