
o.T. (KALABALIK), 2009, Details der Filmmontage von Fotografien Istanbuls 1999-2009 (links) und der Interviews, hier mit Zeynep (rechts)

o.T. (KALABALIK), 2009, Details der Filmmontage von Fotografien Istanbuls 1999-2009 (links) und der Interviews, hier mit Gülten (rechts)

o.T. (KALABALIK), 2009, Details der Filmmontage von Fotografien Istanbuls 1999-2009 (links) und der Interviews, hier mit Tülay (rechts)

o.T. (KALABALIK), 2009, Details der Filmmontage von Fotografien Istanbuls 1999-2009 (links) und der Interviews, hier mit Fatma (rechts).

o.T. (KALABALIK), 2009, Details der Filmmontage von Fotografien Istanbuls 1999-2009 (links) und der Interviews, hier mit Afife (rechts).

Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin-Istanbul: Die Berliner Istanbul Stipendiaten 1998-2009, Installationsansicht, 2009
Untitled consists of two films which are shown alongside each other. One shows a montage of Hi-8 films and filmed contact prints. The images document the life of Istanbul over a ten-year period (1999-2009) from my perspective, using casual and random everyday scenes.
The second film shows interviews by and with women in Kreuzberg who know Istanbul in various different ways. In the discussions they describe the development of the city at various times and reflect their perceptions of Istanbul, which have shifted as a result of their own change of perspective.
Three interviews were conducted by Gülten Erol and one by Afife Ҫetintaş. These recordings were made at the premises of the non-profit organisation Akarsu e.V. in Kreuzberg, in the painting group run by Barbara Stellbrink-Kesy.
Afife Ҫetintaş, who has lived in Istanbul for 30 years, discusses the problems facing the city, such as environmental degradation and growth. Fatma Demirel is from Elazığ, a province in eastern Turkey. She came to know Istanbul as the last stop on her journey to Germany. Gülten Erol knows Istanbul from various short holidays there over the years from 1998. Tülay Karatas was introduced to Istanbul by her husband’s family, who live there. Now living in Germany, she regularly visits the city on holiday.
I held the fourth conversation about Istanbul with Zeynep Arslan, who has known Istanbul since 1984; she has studied and worked there. Since moving to Germany ten years ago, she has spent her holidays in Istanbul.
Thanks to
Akarsu e.V. Kreuzberg
Aziz Nesin Grundschule Kreuzberg
Barbara Stellbrink-Kesy
Tuncay Kulaoğlu
Produktion mit Unterstützung von
Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien Berlin
Anlässlich der Ausstellung
Berlin-Istanbul: Die Berliner Istanbul Stipendiaten 1998-2009