Archive: Teaching / Courses until 2016

I love Kunst Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin 2014

Seminar “Code unknown”, practice project “School in motion” with the Gustav Eiffel School. Here workshop by Gregor Kasper and Julia Schramm.

weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, links: Detail Masterarbeit T. Zeybek Komposition gesellschaftlicher Imaginationen; rechts: Flyer Projektpräsentation
Teaching / Courses until 2016
Artistic research and cultural education. Seminar: Theory in regards to artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
faster – higher – further? weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
As far as I am concerned: Museum – Mediation – Art. Theory in connection with artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
Blicke / Glances. Blockseminar: Theory in connection with artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, interdisciplinary. The course examines processes of perception and their effects in one’s own artistic and creative practice. The aim is to expand the artistic professional field by testing forms and formats of artistic, transdisciplinary art and cultural mediation and at the same time to increase the artistic quality of work with social groups, close readings and reflections of concepts of “Critical Whiteness” and “Othering”.
Code unknown. Block seminar: Theory in connection with artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, interdisciplinary. The focus is on the conception and implementation of projects in cooperation with the art festival 48 h Neukölln, various schools in the district. Together they curated an exhibition in the Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz.
Artistic commitment and social reality I-II. Series of seminars: Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, course of studies art (teaching profession) and art pedagogy (free art mediation), supervision theory/practice diplomas and artistic practice, development and accompaniment of the projects within the framework of the art class, supported by the Ravensburger Foundation.
Art Education – an assessment of the situation. Theory in connection with artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, interdisciplinary. Introduction to the areas and possibilities of art mediation. What are we talking about? Insights into qualitative research Opportunities for art and design projects with social groups, preparation of a joint school project week.
Day is Done? I-III Participatory art and design projects in cooperation with Pankow schools and Berlin cultural institutions. Block seminar: Theory in connection with artistic practice: weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, interdisciplinary.
Open Spaces. Qualification: Theory and practice of interdisciplinary, artistic projects, conception and implementation of modules for the ESF artist training, project work in cultural education, C & Q Bildungszentrum Haberhauffe, funded by the ESF and the Berlin Senate. Cultural education – participative projects / a new artistic practice Seminar leadership bbk Berlin
2010 – 08
Figurative drawing. ESMOD – International College of Fashion Arts, Berlin, Lecturer in figurative drawing: Theory and practice